While there are lots of lists out there that would have you believe you need a mountain of “stuff” for a baby, we decided to go down a more minimalist route with what we purchased for our little one.
We also made a conscious decision to make having a baby as low impact on the environment as we could, so sourced as much as we could secondhand, and made environmentally friendly choices such as using cloth nappies and cloth wipes, for example.
I made this video and blog post before baby arrived, but now looking back with an almost 6-month-old baby, I’m pleased to say this list worked perfectly for us during bub’s newborn stage. We found we had everything we needed!
The only thing I may add is that when Ada was about 6 weeks old, we picked up a secondhand playmat for her from our local charity shop, and it’s been absolutely invaluable to us.
I’ll also add that while we kept things that we purchased as minimal as possible, family and friends did buy lots of gifts for us too. However this list is correct in being everything that we bought OURSELVES, and the correct amount of items that we needed.
Here’s what we ended up purchasing for our newborn baby:
5-6 vest suits/onesies
3-4 long sleeve vest suits
7 sleep suits/babygrows
5-6 bibs
4 pairs socks
2 hats
2 warm coats/cardigans
1 Winter suit
2-3 receiving blankets/swaddle blankets
1 heavier blanket

Changing Supplies:
24 one-size pocket nappies
20 flat cloth nappies
5 newborn size covers
30-50 cloth wipes
2 wet bags
2 washable nappy pail liners
Nappy pail
Pouch for wet wipes
Spray bottle for wet wipe solution
Nappy balm
Nappy bag
Change mat
Travel change mat
Change table

Home and Travel:
Car seat
Pram/Pushchair travel system
Baby carrier
Bassinet + bedding
2 sleep sacks
1 bottle
Breast pump
10 burp cloths/washcloths
Baby bath soap + lotion
Kit with hairbrush, nail clippers etc
Baby bouncer
2 Dummies/Pacifiers
See more:
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