How we spent just £150 on nappies: Benefits of cloth

Before I even got pregnant I knew I wanted to use cloth nappies with my children.

As an environmentally conscious person who had already been using reusable options in other areas of my life for years, it just made sense to follow the reusable route with a baby too.

Plus, they are cheaper (or can be – more on that below) and are SO much cuter!

Today I wanted to share with you how we spent just £150 on our nappy kit that will last our now-six month old baby until she potty trains, as well as talk about the benefits of cloth nappies, and discuss the overall costs involved when taking into account electricity and water usage.

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Minimalist Newborn Baby Essentials Checklist

While there are lots of lists out there that would have you believe you need a mountain of “stuff” for a baby, we decided to go down a more minimalist route with what we purchased for our little one.

We also made a conscious decision to make having a baby as low impact on the environment as we could, so sourced as much as we could secondhand, and made environmentally friendly choices such as using cloth nappies and cloth wipes, for example.

I made this video and blog post before baby arrived, but now looking back with an almost 6-month-old baby, I’m pleased to say this list worked perfectly for us during bub’s newborn stage. We found we had everything we needed!

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