My sweet baby, please stop growing

stop growing motherhood

My darling baby girl:

You are now six months old.

Please, stop growing.

I can hardly believe it was only six months ago that you were born: A tiny, red, wrinkled bundle of pure joy, and complete innocence.

You’ve grown so much and have developed into the little human you are now, with her own cheeky personality and funny traits.

It makes me so proud to see how far you’ve come.

But please, stop growing.

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6 Reasons Why Mum and Baby Groups Are Awesome

Mum and Baby Groups

Mum and Baby Groups are a fantastic resource for new and not-so-new mums alike.

I’ll admit, before I had a baby myself I wasn’t quite sold on the idea of Mum and Baby groups.

A whole heap of crying babies in one room plus a bunch of strangers with whom the only thing I share in common is that I too recently pushed a little human out of my vagina*?

No thanks, don’t think it’s for me.

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Minimalist Newborn Baby Essentials Checklist

While there are lots of lists out there that would have you believe you need a mountain of “stuff” for a baby, we decided to go down a more minimalist route with what we purchased for our little one.

We also made a conscious decision to make having a baby as low impact on the environment as we could, so sourced as much as we could secondhand, and made environmentally friendly choices such as using cloth nappies and cloth wipes, for example.

I made this video and blog post before baby arrived, but now looking back with an almost 6-month-old baby, I’m pleased to say this list worked perfectly for us during bub’s newborn stage. We found we had everything we needed!

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Nursery Tour! Our secondhand, towards zero waste set up

I thought I’d show you around what we’ve got set up for baby’s “nursery”.

I say “nursery” tentatively because really all their ‘stuff’ is stored in our spare room whilst baby will be sleeping in our room for the first six months at least anyway.

For us, lowering our waste and environmental impact is really important, so this comes into the set up a lot – from all the secondhand purchases we made over buying new where we could, to our cloth nappy stash that we hope to use from birth, we’ve tried our hardest to make bringing a child into this world as low-impact as we can (but, of course, we know there is always room for improvement!).

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