Welcome to Asia – Dunked in Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok is a city with so many sides – there’s the busy side, the laidback side, the shopping side, the foodie side, the party side, and the cultural side (among so many more, I’m sure).

My first inkling that Bangkok was going to be a surprise to me came when I got in a taxi fresh out of the airport, and Michael Jackson started playing on the radio, the driver humming and nodding along to it.  Continue reading “Welcome to Asia – Dunked in Bangkok, Thailand”

The weather shouldn’t stop you: Hofpgarten, Austrian Tyrol region

The Austrian Tyrol region is a very green place, so I shouldn’t have been that confused as to why it rained the whole time we were there – it was the beginning of October when we were there.

The rain did cause a few problems for us, but it was also part of what made Austria so beautiful in my eyes – so lush and green, so I couldn’t be upset about the rain in the slightest.  Continue reading “The weather shouldn’t stop you: Hofpgarten, Austrian Tyrol region”