Month 6 Pregnancy Update

My bump at 24 weeks + 4 days pregnant

What Month/Week?

Month 6, Week 26.

How Big is Baby?

Baby is the length of a scallion or cucumber, about 14 inches long and roughly 1.68 pounds in weight.

Weight Gain



General tiredness, a touch of dizziness due to low blood pressure, and some occasional pain in my lower belly which is either Pelvic Girdle Pain or Pregnancy Ligament Pain. But nothing crazy, and physically I’m feeling really great!


None, although I’ve been using pregnancy as an excuse to eat lots of ice cream and chocolate…

Food Aversions



The beginning of this pregnancy month began whilst Australia, an unexpected trip that I covered in my last blog post and vlog.

This month has been fabulous once again, feeling physically very good and getting oh so excited as my pregnancy progresses. I can’t believe that in just three more months I’m going to be a mother, something I’ve looked forward to becoming my entire life.

Something exciting we have done this month is signing up for a Hypnobirthing course which we will participate in at the end of August, when I am 33 weeks pregnant. Hypnobirthing is something I have been interested in for a while after reading and watching other people’s experience with online. If you haven’t heard of Hypnobirthing, it’s a method to help you go through labour and delivery in a calm and confident way, utilising relaxation. I’m very much looking forward to completing the weekend course, and will of course tell you all about it once I have.

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