Welcome to a new journey here on my blog! Yes, I’m pregnant, and as someone who loves reading blogs and watching YouTube videos about other women’s experiences with pregnancy, birth and beyond, I thought I’d share my own adventure with you too.
So here it goes, follow along if you like these kinds of posts (If you don’t, that’s fine too, I’ll still be posting other travel and lifestyle content as well).
What Month/Week:
Month 1, Week 4 (Well, Week 5 by the time I filmed this!)
How Big is Baby?
Baby is the size of a poppy seed! About 1mm long.
Weight Gain
1kg of bloat (apparently that’s normal at this stage though!)
Sore, tender breasts. Some bloating. Only one bout of vomiting but not sure if that was related to the pregnancy or not – See video for full explanation.
Food Aversions
None – Or maybe Baked Beans? Same point as under ‘Symptoms’ – See video for full explanation.
This is just such an exciting journey to be on for me. Personally, I’ve wanted to be a mother since I was pretty much still a child myself. I’ve been obsessed with reading pregnancy and parenting books, watching videos and documentaries on the topic for so long, and everyone who knows me well knows how clucky (broody in Aussie speak) I’ve always been. I’ve even ended up working in a baby room in a nursery, that’s how much I love children. I’m that excited that it’s finally my turn to walk this path that so many women before me have taken, and I’m looking forward to soaking up every moment of it!
Congrats on pregnancy. Check out our blog for moms and moms to be and join our community and conversations. Would love to hear your thoughts and advice you can share with other ladies. Comment on some of our various topics we have up and under older posts ☺️
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