Dan and I recently headed to Birmingham for the weekend for a friend’s birthday celebrations, including Christmas markets, seeing Kasabian live in concert, and a whole lot of snow!
It was a fabulous weekend filled good company, good drinks, good music and good food.
I didn’t photograph and vlog it as I normally would, but I did link together a “through my eyes” video on my iPhone for your enjoyment:
Of course, being in Birmingham, we HAD to visit the Christmas markets, which are quite a bit bigger than the ones in Bristol.
With a selection of flavoured mulled wines, German beers, and alcoholic hot chocolates, for starters, the Christmas Markets were a perfect place to enjoy a few winter bevvies with the group, having all met up in Birmingham.
My favourite mulled wine: The cherry flavoured Gluwhein.

After a couple of mulled wines at the Christmas Markets, and a couple back at the hotel, we all headed off to dinner at The Distillery, a wonderful bar and restaurant quite close to Birmingham’s arena, where I devoured a delicious aubergine shawarma dish.
Then it was time for Kasabian!
I’d not listened to much of their music previous to getting the tickets for the concert, but following the concert I was definitely a fan – they were absolutely fabulous.
Extremely entertaining and fantastic performance by the band.

The next morning we awoke to a white city. Which was beautiful, and yet concerning – because we were going to have to drive through the heavy snowfall to get back to Bristol in order for most of us to get to work the next day.
While the situation seemed dire at the time, and most of my travel companions (who had experienced snow many times before and so knew the hindrance it can be) were stressing out, I was blissfully enjoying the gorgeous white, fluffy stuff.
Now I’ve only ever seen snow less than ten times in my life, and I’d only ever seen it actively snowing once before this time, so of course I was super excited by it all.
Yes, I showed all the excitement of a child on Christmas Day. And I’m not at all sorry.
But I do completely understand how much of a hassle snow can be for those who have to get on the roads during or after a heavy snowfall.
We were so lucky to have such a fantastic driver behind the wheel of our car, Will, who got us all safely home (with a grand tour of the Winter Wonderland on the way, of course!)