Forts, Monkeys and Bollywood in Jaipur


One place you can’t not visit if you’re headed to India is Jaipur.

The capital of Rajasthan, and also known as ‘The Pink City’, it’s a wonderful place of Indian culture, beautiful sites, delicious restaurants, and Bollywood.

Oh yes – Jaipur is THE place for Bollywood!

First: Getting to Jaipur. We took a bus from Agra, which took a couple of hours.

While it was a public bus, it was a, shall we say, more upmarket bus.

We did however witness the other forms of bus transportation (and bounced between wondering why on earth we weren’t experiencing the same thing?? and thanking our lucky stars we weren’t – we couldn’t decide).

Secondly: The biggest sights in Jaipur. First up, of course, is the Amber Fort.

The Amber Fort, built by Raja Man Sighn I in the 16th century, is known for its artistic style, blending both Hindu and Rajput elements.

The fort overlooks Maota Lake, and there are some stunning views both from, at, and inside the fort:

Please, I beg you, don’t ride the elephants. These poor things were so unhappy, painfully trudging up and down this steep hill all day – it was clear to see.



Another sight you may want to visit in Jaipur is the Monkey Valley, which has a path leading to the Monkey Temple (which I didn’t have time to get to).

All I can say is: So. Many. Monkeys.

TIP: Don’t hold food in your hands. It won’t be there long, but you may end up with a special prize of rabies in its place!


Also, while in Jaipur we got into Bollywood. I mean, we REALLY got into Bollywood.

First, we went and saw a Bollywood film, Prem Ratan Dhan Payo (which was one of the highest grossing Bollywood films of all time – we saw it on opening week), at the Raj Mandir.

The Raj Mandir is a famous theatre in India, which has seen many premières of Hindu films.

Seeing a Bollywood film, and in such an iconic location, was incredible – and so much fun.

The cinema audience isn’t the same as in the Western world.

Here, they scream, shout, sing, dance, cheer for the hero and boo at the bad guys.

There were children playing in the aisles and people talking on the phone all around us.

I’ve never had a cinema experience like it before.

Later on in our stay, we got to have our own Bollywood experience in the form of a dance class.

It was hilarious.

I was the lucky one chosen to be the instructor’s partner, and had to stand at the front and be the “demo girl” even though I was only just learning the moves!

It was a really fun experience – especially as the class was on our hotel rooftop as the sun went down – gorgeous atmosphere!


4 Replies to “Forts, Monkeys and Bollywood in Jaipur”

  1. Hello, Thanks for sharing such a fantastic blog.I really appreciate your blog to share information about Jaipur…Visiting in Jaipur is amazing experience. Jaipur is a place with a glorious past and a very rich historic background. People come from far off places just to get the taste of its beautiful monuments and their architecture.

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