At 3571m above sea level, Mt Jungfraujoch in Switzerland had certainly climbed it’s way into my heart.
The “Top of Europe” as it is called, was THE place I had been most looking forward to visiting on this trip to Europe.
It, of course, did not disappoint. We got perfect white snow contrasting with the bright blue skies, and a whole lot of happiness.
It was here that I got a case of “takeaphotoofeverythingamilliontimes-itis” – everything was so beautiful I just had to snap of photo.
Of this

And this

And this

x 1 billion.
But honestly, have you ever just been so thrilled to be in a place you just keep saying *imagine air-head-girl voice*: “OMG can you believe we’re ACTUALLY here? Like, seriously? OMG.”
Mt Jungfraujoch was that place for me, and I’m totally fine with that. It was amazing, and is one journey I will always remember.
I will also remember it because I have a funny form of claustrophobia (Not so much scared of small spaces, but rather tunnels, caves, being under bridges etc because I think they’re going to collapse on me) and the journey up the mountain is almost two hours by cog rail, of which more than half is underground within the mountain.
That was a bit freaky for me. But I just plugged in my iPod, closed my eyes and tried to let myself drift off into daydreamland.
We also visited the beautiful city of Lucerne on our way to our accommodation closer to the mountain – check out the beautiful Chapel Bridge!

And this sight we stopped the bus for:
Yeah, Switzerland didn’t just steal my heart, it nuzzled it’s way in, carefully embraced my heart, and then, with a cheeky smile, ran away with it and winked, daring me to chase after it.