Books I’ve Been Reading: April

Reading, Book Club

I’ve always been a massive bookworm. 

As a child my parents used to joke about how I always had my nose in the pages of the newest hardback I could get my hands on. 

As a teenager learning to drive I found out how much I didn’t even know the streets of my hometown well enough to navigate without help, as I’d usually spent my time as a passenger reading. 

As an adult I still spent hours immersing myself in different worlds from fiction novels, or filling my brain with new information from non-fiction books on topics I found interesting. 

Since becoming a mother six months ago, however, I found I hadn’t really been taking part in one of my favourite activities, reading, at all. 

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My sweet baby, please stop growing

stop growing motherhood

My darling baby girl:

You are now six months old.

Please, stop growing.

I can hardly believe it was only six months ago that you were born: A tiny, red, wrinkled bundle of pure joy, and complete innocence.

You’ve grown so much and have developed into the little human you are now, with her own cheeky personality and funny traits.

It makes me so proud to see how far you’ve come.

But please, stop growing.

Continue reading “My sweet baby, please stop growing”

6 Reasons Why Mum and Baby Groups Are Awesome

Mum and Baby Groups

Mum and Baby Groups are a fantastic resource for new and not-so-new mums alike.

I’ll admit, before I had a baby myself I wasn’t quite sold on the idea of Mum and Baby groups.

A whole heap of crying babies in one room plus a bunch of strangers with whom the only thing I share in common is that I too recently pushed a little human out of my vagina*?

No thanks, don’t think it’s for me.

Continue reading “6 Reasons Why Mum and Baby Groups Are Awesome”