6 Reasons Why Mum and Baby Groups Are Awesome

Mum and Baby Groups

Mum and Baby Groups are a fantastic resource for new and not-so-new mums alike.

I’ll admit, before I had a baby myself I wasn’t quite sold on the idea of Mum and Baby groups.

A whole heap of crying babies in one room plus a bunch of strangers with whom the only thing I share in common is that I too recently pushed a little human out of my vagina*?

No thanks, don’t think it’s for me.

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Motherhood: The hardest thing I’ve ever done

Motherhood is hard

Motherhood is hard.

Harder than I ever thought it would be.

There, I said it.

Everyone acts like being a mum is this blissful little bubble that feels like rainbows and butterflies 24/7.

In actual fact, motherhood is a rollercoaster – yes, it soars upwards into those moments of heaven on earth, but then catapults into stunning depths of stomach-sinking emotions.

Continue reading “Motherhood: The hardest thing I’ve ever done”