Giving Zero Waste Hair Dye a Shot with LUSH Henna

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I’ve been dying my hair chocolate brown with a packet dye for around seven years now, but with my transition towards a more zero waste/low impact lifestyle, I decided this habit had to come to an end.

The chemicals in the conventional hair dye, the plastic packaging, and the resources wasted to create what is, essentially, a product for my vanity, was not worth it anymore, in my humble opinion.

So I stopped dying my hair approximately five or six months ago, when I figured my roots were a colour I could deal with and would let grow out.

However, now that the colour in my hair has faded, I’ve been left with a brassy, almost red, browny colour that does not cause me to look in the mirror and think happy thoughts.

I’m sorry, earth, but I just couldn’t deal with it.

So I looked for a solution.

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My Vegan, ‘Towards Minimalist’ Make Up Kit


Since transitioning to a vegan lifestyle, my make up kit – like my toiletry bag – has undergone a transformation.

I’ve never been a huge make up person – my daily make up routine has, for a long time, only involved BB cream, powder, blush, mascara and lip balm – and I’m not make up artist or glamazon, but I am a person who enjoys make up on occasion.

It’s important to me to only purchase and use products that are both free from animal products and are not tested on animals.

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