24 Things I’ve Learnt in 24 Years

So because today, the 7th January, is my birthday, I thought I would do something a little bit different on the blog.

I decided to put together a ’24 Things I’ve Learnt in 24 Years’ vlog – yes, that’s right, I’m a 1992 model 😉

Enjoy my wisdom (Or rather, lack thereof) xxx

My travel tattoo featured on Camera and Carry On


Being only a small blog that’s still gaining the very beginnings of momentum, it’s pretty cool to find myself popping on another travel site.

Camera and Carry On have done a blog about travel tattoos – and what do you know: My wrist tattoo is on there.

Take a look here

To be honest, I’m really stoked about it – it’s a great feeling to be in contact with other travel bloggers and to be featured on another site.

I love tattoos too (Obviously). I have four currently, but have already planned more in my head.

Soon I’d like to do a video and blog explaining all my tattoos and what they mean to me – if you’d like to see that, let me know!

Marnie x