Last weekend was VegFest in London, and I was so excited to go.
Unfortunately, things didn’t turn out the way I wanted them too, and so I was unable to attend – which meant I missed out on hearing some of my favourite inspirational vegans speak, meet more like-minded individuals, and (of course) eat all the amazing vegan food on offer.
Safe to say, I was pretty disappointed to not be able to go.
So too soothe my soul, Dan and I decided to have our own little “vegan weekend”.
First we headed to VX Bristol to eat some delicious vegan junk food, and then stopped by EarthCake on our way home to pick up some vegan cake.
We spent the next day in the kitchen, where I tried (and failed) to bake cookies – watch video for that explanation – and Dan tried (and succeeded) to make a scrumptious vegan hot crust pasty pie.

Vegan resources I love:
Note: Some of these are affiliate links. I only ever affiliate myself with products and companies that I believe in and either use, or would use, myself.