I’m moving to the UK!

So… surprise!

After 25 years of living in Australia, I’m taking a big leap and am moving abroad.

Next week I’m leaving my home in regional Australia (And my family, friends and cat), relocating my life to Bristol, England.

Why Bristol? Well, if you didn’t pick up on it already, my boyfriend Dan is from there.

We’ve been doing the long distance thing for over a year now and, as anyone else who has been in a long distance relationship can attest to, it’s not all fun and games.

So, armed with a two year Youth Mobility Visa, I’m getting my bags packed and am headed off on a big adventure.

I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, and when I’ll next step back on Australian soil, but I do know that exciting times are ahead!

Being based in the UK will give me a great opportunity to see lots more of Europe (and bring you more travel content!).

Now I just have to stay calm and try not to let the anxiety send me insane.

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