Getting to know our native wildlife at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary


I found myself in a bit of an ethical and emotional pickle whilst formulating this blog post and my latest video.

You see, as a vegan, I feel very aware that I may be judged negatively for the experience I’m about to share with you.

But I’ve just got to square my shoulders and bear that, if it does come to that.

See, in January, when my British boyfriend visited me here in Australia, we took a trip an hour and a half up the highway to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, so I could introduce him to some of Australia’s most famous native animals.

Continue reading “Getting to know our native wildlife at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary”

10 tips to help you start moving towards a Zero Waste lifestyle


About nine months ago I first heard the term “Zero Waste”.

I had seen TED talks by Lauren Singer of Trash is for Tossers and Bea Johnson from the Zero Waste Home, and became instantly hooked on the idea of a life creating as little waste as possible.

I began researching at every opportunity this “zero waste lifestyle” idea, and began implementing what I’d learnt into my life.

I became extraordinarily passionate about the topic, and talked to my friends and family about it as often as I could.

Now, after having been on this path for a while, I feel ready to share what I’ve learnt with you all.

Continue reading “10 tips to help you start moving towards a Zero Waste lifestyle”