Hiking the Korea Friendship Walk – The Cotswolds, England


One of the things I love most about living in the UK is the closeness to so many different places and experiences.

You can drive for less an hour from Bristol and be in Wales, for example, or just over two hours to London.

There are so many possibilities for day trips, and Dan and I have made it our mission to take advantage of this fact whilst we can.

One activity we’ve decided to do more regularly is to go on day trips to walk different hiking trails nearby Bristol, and – on longer trips – further afield across the United Kingdom.

We both enjoy hiking, and although Dan is more experienced at it than I am, I’m keen to step up to his level.

Hiking is great for many reasons, but two of my favourite are:

  • The exercise factor –  It’s great for both your physical and mental wellbeing
  • The nature factor – I love getting out into nature, and I know it’s probably related to the fact that being outdoors has been proven to enhance mental wellbeing as well.

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I’m going on a hike for Medical Research!

Visiting the TRI building at Princess Alexandra Hospital on Feb 7 2016, to see and hear about the wonderful research the LMRF is helping make happen.
Oh look, a blog post and video on a Wednesday instead of Thursday! Sorry to throw you off, but I have opening night of a play I’m part of tomorrow, so I won’t have time to focus on anything other than that. 

So here you go: Early blog – and a different blog. Not so much to do with travel, but something very important, nonetheless.

If you haven’t heard of Lions (Aka. Lions Clubs, Lions Australia, Lions International etc) you may have been living under a rock.

Continue reading “I’m going on a hike for Medical Research!”